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AAHA Accredited

BSVH is very proud to be accredited by the American Animal Hospital Association. We undergo regular, comprehensive onsite evaluations by experts who evaluate our practice on more than 900 standards of veterinary care. We are confident in our ability to conduct our practice with the highest standards of excellence! If you would like to learn more about what it means to be AAHA accredited, please visit their website at

Cat Friendly Practice Logo

Cat Friendly Practice

At Bridge Street Veterinary Hospital, we understand that for many cats, trips to the vet can be a source of great anxiety. We want to change that once and for all! We are certified by the American Association of Feline Practitioners as a cat-friendly practice, which means we have taken special measures to make veterinary care a positive experience for our feline friends.

What exactly is a “cat-friendly practice”?

Recent research has revealed a disturbing trend that shows a significant decrease in feline vet visits. The problem many cat owners face is that visits the clinic can incite feelings of fear, anxiety and even aggression in felines. Cats are incredibly sensitive to their external environment. The unusual odors, sounds and sights associated with a typical veterinary office, combined with having to come into contact with unfamiliar people and animals, can be enough to send even a normally calm kitty into a panic. By the time a nervous cat gets to the exam room, you’ve got a recipe for disaster.

The concept of cat-friendly practices aims to change the entire experience, both for feline patients and their owners. This is accomplished through a number of things. In particular, it’s specialized training of staff in dealing with frightened cats, and designing the hospital environment to make it a less stressful place. At BSVH, we’ve worked hard to achieve our cat-friendly certification, and are proud of the unique care we offer to our feline friends.

From the soft, soothing music playing throughout our clinic to the special calming pheromones we use to infuse the air, to the gentle handling techniques that our team has been trained in, we’re prepared to make even the most apprehensive kitty feel at ease. If your cat is nervous about going to the vet, let us help to set you both at ease. Schedule a cat-friendly appointment today and see what a difference this unique type of care can make!


Fear Free Certified

We all know that for some of our pets, visiting the hospital can be a nerve-wracking experience. Many pets suffer from stress and anxiety, whether it be on the car ride over or during their visit. Some pets may be rescues with pre-existing aggression issues, or some may have had poor experiences in the past. At BSVH, we are dedicated to ensuring your time with us is positive for both you and your pets. Our fear free certified professionals and staff are here to make the experience as stress free as possible. We combine our own skills with scientific research to take the “pet” out of “petrified.”

How do we do it?

  • Positive reinforcement
    Treats, treats and more treats! Our staff has a variety of hidden treasures for your pet to snack on while they visit us. We have an entire cupboard dedicated to pleasing our furry friends taste buds. Feel free to stop by for a free sample with your pet! We always love visitors.
  • Adaptil (for dogs) and Feliway (for cats)
    Our exam rooms and hospital are equipped with Feliway and Adaptil diffusers. Both of these products use pheromones to reduce stress and anxiety in your pet by releasing the same pheromone that nursing mothers emit to their young.
  • Solliquin
    When anxiety and stress get the best of your pet, we offer a natural remedy to ease their nerves. Solliquin is a special treat that combines Ltheanine, Magnolia, and Whey Protein Concentrate to create a state of deep relaxation. It can be used acutely for veterinary visits, or chronically for those pets who suffer from anxiety every day.
  • Pre-visit Pharmaceuticals
    Sometimes our pets need a little extra something to take the edge off. At BSVH, we have a variety of safe pharmaceuticals that can be given prior to your pet’s visit to reduce anxiety. If you think your pet suffers from severe anxiety, stress, or aggression contact our clinic today to discuss alternative options.

Continued Education

At BSVH we are constantly learning! Every year the team attends the Veterinary Education Today (VET) conference where we learn about specialized topics in veterinary medicine. We have expanded our knowledge in areas such as anesthesia, internal medicine, dermatology, client communication and so much more! We also love to educate ourselves through lunch and learns. This is where we have a special speaker come to our clinic to deliver a talk while we eat our lunches. Not only is this a great way for the entire staff to learn, but it doesn’t interrupt the flow of appointments. We have had speakers from Hills Nutrition, Boehringer Ingelheim, Zoetis and many others. Some of our topics have included grain-free diets, heartworm and tick prevention, allergy remedies, and dental health. At BSVH, we pride ourselves in always delivering the most modern and effective medicine!